Cookie Management

When you visit our “” site, information may be recorded in “Cookie” files installed by us or by third parties on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. This page explains what a Cookie is, how we use them and how you can make choices about Cookies. You can also update your preferences by clicking this link.


The word “Cookie” is a generic term that refers to a text file deposited in a dedicated place on the hard disk of your terminal (computer, tablet, mobile phone or any other internet-enabled device) when you access online content or advertising, and to similar technologies used to read or write information on a user’s terminal and track, in combination with the use of Cookies, their activity on the internet or an application. Some Cookies are essential for using the Site; others optimise and personalise the content displayed. The Cookie file contains certain information such as a unique identifier, the name of the Site, and numbers and characters. This Cookie file can only be read by its issuer. It allows the issuer, while it remains valid, to recognise the terminal concerned each time the terminal accesses digital content containing Cookies from the same issuer and to remember information, such as user preferences or information previously entered by the user in forms on the Site. Some Cookies may also be used to store the contents of a shopping cart, while others hold the language settings for a site, and still others are used for targeted advertising. A Cookie does not directly identify a user (it does not contain names or surnames), but the browser of the terminal (usually a mobile device) you’re using. It does, however, allow the activity of a user with a unique identifier in the Cookie file to be tracked. The term “Cookies” is also used generically to refer to other similar technologies such as web beacons and tracking pixels, which are small digital images invisible to the user on web pages or emails which, combined with Cookies, allow the same user’s browsing to be tracked and analysed.


Three types of Cookies, in line with the purposes described below, may be stored on your terminal when you access our services during a visit to our Site or via our application:

Technical Cookies

These Cookies make it possible for you to browse the Site, keep the Site secure and allow you to access the various products and services on the Site. Technical Cookies include the strictly necessary Cookies that are essential for browsing our Site (such as identifiers for the session, the version of your operating system and the version used) that allow you to use the main features of the Site, as well as the functionality Cookies that allow you to access specific features: in particular to recognise you, to show you have visited a particular page and thereby improve your browsing experience: to adjust the way the Site is displayed to your terminal’s display preferences (language used and display resolution), to memorise passwords and other information relating to a form you have filled out on the Site or application (for registration or access to members’ area). Technical Cookies are also used to implement security measures (e.g. when you are asked to log into the member area again after a certain period of time). You may object to the use of these Cookies and delete them using your browser settings. However, you may not be able to access the Site and/or the services of the Site and the application.

Audience measurement Cookies

These Cookies are issued by our technical team or by our technical service providers and advertising partners to measure the audience for different content and sections of our Site and our application in order to evaluate and organise them more effectively. We also use tools to measure the effectiveness of our email campaigns, allowing us to take relevant commercial action based on the information collected (for example, send a new message or a personalised offer). The audience measurement Cookies are issued by our technical team or by our technical service providers. As well as analysing visitor numbers, they make it possible, if necessary, to detect problems with browsing and consequently make our services more user-friendly. The traffic analysis services used by this Site and application only produce and send to our technical service providers aggregate statistics and traffic volumes, excluding any individual information. They do not track your browsing on other sites. These audience measurement Cookies have a lifetime of no more than 13 months.

Sharing Cookies (social networks)

Our Site contains Cookies from sharing links to Facebook, Twitter and other similar social networks, which allow you to share content from our Site with others or let others know about your viewing or opinion of content on the Site or to log into all services using your login details for these social networks. To do this, you can use the “Share” and “Like” buttons from social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. The social network providing such an application button is likely to identify you thanks to this button, even if you did not use it when visiting our Site. These Cookies are deposited directly by these social networks. If you are connected to a social network while browsing our Site, its sharing buttons allow you to link the content you view to your user account. Please check the privacy policies of these social networks to learn about what the browsing information they collect through these application buttons may be used for, including advertising. These Cookies have a lifetime of no more than 13 months.


By using our Site, you consent to the use of the above-mentioned Cookies. However, you can choose to deactivate all or some of these Cookies at any time.

You have a number of ways to manage your choices about Cookies:

Via your browser/terminal

Your browser can be set to alert you to Cookies that are being stored on your computer and to ask you to accept them or not on a case-by-case basis, or to refuse them systematically once and for all. You can choose to deactivate all or some Cookies at any time. Your browser can also be set to alert you to Cookies being placed on your device and to ask you to accept them or not (on a case-by-case basis or in full). However, disabling all Cookies will prevent you from using our Site as normal, except for its basic functions.

Via specific deactivation links

If you do not want our Site to store audience measurement or social network Cookies on your browser, you can click the disable links. Cookies to track the effectiveness of our email campaigns: Click the advertising settings link at the bottom of each email.

These Cookies allow us to measure the traffic or audience associated with our Site, the pages visited and interactions with the Site during your visit. Deactivating them therefore stops information about your browsing on our Site being collected, and therefore you will not be shown editorial content tailored to your browsing. Disabling social network Cookies will prevent interaction with the relevant social network(s). Please note that the consideration of your individual wishes regarding the use of Cookies on the Site is based on one or more specific Cookies. If you delete all the Cookies stored on your terminal, we will no longer know what consent or refusal you have given. This will reset your consent and you will have to refuse Cookie(s) you do not want to keep once more. Likewise, if you use another internet browser, you will have to refuse these Cookies again because your choices, like the Cookies to which they relate, depend on the browser and the terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) that you use to visit the Site.


Please note that some of our partners (advertising agencies, technical service providers, etc.) are located outside the European Union, and data collected through Cookies may be transferred to non-European Union countries, whose personal data protection legislation differs from that applicable in France. We require our partners to use your personal data only to administer or provide the services you have requested and ask them to always act in accordance with applicable personal data protection laws and to pay particular attention to the confidentiality of such data, in particular by strictly controlling transfers with adequate security measures. For more information, please check their personal data protection policy.


We may amend this policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices, to further clarify our practices or to ensure compliance with regulations. Please refer to the date the policy was last updated at the bottom of this page.
Version : July 2022